11 Ene Letter from the Governor month of January 2020
Dear friends, I wish you a Happy New Year 2020 full of personal and professional successes.
Although, for us, the Rotarians, the year began in July and therefore we have already traveled half the way. This seems like a good time, to start thinking during our club meetings, what we need to get the Presidential Mention.
This year we set the goal in 90% of the clubs, a very ambitious goal but possible if we continue with enthusiasm that have determined me so far.
Remember that this year is the District is that toolbox to be used by each of the clubs and put at your disposal for when necessary any kind of help in order to be more accessible and limited to solve together the needs that arise in the day to day in your clubs.
And following this line, one of those tools that are in the box are your Governor Assistant and the District Executive Secretary, Inés Roig (inesroig@gmail.com – 616917775), who are waiting for our calls to help manage and enter the necessary data to try to get the Mention and answer your questions.
And why this interest ?, because its guidelines direct us towards the goal of a dynamic club, diversifying our actions towards the strategic goals that this year the Rotary International president marked, UNITE PEOPLE and TAKE ACTION.
UNITE means explaining our projects in our community, developing our professional capacity to promote lasting changes in our society towards an improvement of living conditions for all. In this way, it also fulfilled Rotary’s objective for the month of January «Month dedicated to professional development». Practicing your profession with integrity will inspire others to behave ethically through your example. And then it will be easy for the club to be seen as a good option to be part of an active and serious group to which they could belong. Therefore, it will increase your membership.
And TAKE ACTION as a second proposal, which leads us to be receptive to the needs that the community presents to us, to study and to the extent of our possibilities, knowledge and attitudes try to remedy them with our projects.
And if we also want our club to make a difference by getting one of the categories of mention with silver, gold or platinum, we must develop, among others, the paragraph that literally says: “Connect professionally. Launch or maintain a program for personal, professional or leadership development that improves partner skills. ” What invites us to think about partners, empower our knowledge and professional value, learn from peers and approach their skills. This point also links to the message for this January in Rotary.
So, presidents, secretaries and presidents of district committees of clubs, think about these ideas and develop them in the club.
Time goes fast. That there is nothing you can say «I stayed in the inkwell».
«We have to work together to achieve our goals.»
A greeting full of positive energy.
Arturo Alagón Valderas
Gobernador 2019-2020
Distrito 2203