Arturo Alagón


rd 1905 the first Rotary reunion took place in Chicago. 115 years of history is an important milestone to celebrate, few organizations can do the same. On social networks we´ll see cakes, candles and celebrations all over the world, and some will remind us that a birthday implies gifts.
The gift for Rotary might be an annual donation to the fund, a fund that has direct repercussions in the projects which aims to “do good in the world”. It could be the moment for our treasurers to analyze the club´s accounts and evaluate, together with the board, if this is the moment to embrace this collaboration/donation.
If an economic donation is not possible, one could think of an act or a project in the community, remembering the birthday and make it visible in the local press so that they too will know us as an organization with tradition, which maintains its foundational values and its work spirit for the community, thanks to an intelligent adjustment to the changing needs of the community.

Maybe because of this day, Rotary dedicates this month to peace and conflict resolution. Every Rotary action is impregnated in this idea. Global grants are a way to encourage the collaboration between countries to achieve development and peace. One of the areas of interest in our projects is the promotion and search for peace and conflict resolution. The youth exchange programs were meant to be a program for Peace with the idea that knowledge and cultural immersion in other realities, would encourage to dialogue between nations. Our participation in the birth of UNESCO and later the organization of the United Nations (UN) (This year they will turn 75) is a good example of Rotary´s fundamental will. The scholarship program for peace is, without doubt, a direct commitment to achieve this.
Therefore this is also a month to have this idea in mind in our reunions and when planning events. February 21st and 22nd we have been able to get the five districts together (Spanish and Portuguese) to celebrate the first Forum about “peace and sustainable development” in Salamanca, where you are all invited to participate. Interesting conferences about two current world issues that Rotary will thrust. The program and other details are published on the web rotary2203 – district news.

I encourage you to continue working with the same excitement you are showing in projects and events of all kinds, we are currently in a moment of high activity in the clubs. Move every committee, no collaboration is small, together we will culminate a fantastic year.

Finally I would like to remind you that we have prepared our end of term 2019-2020 called XII Congreso Distrital 2203, and we will celebrate with style in GRANADA, May 29th and 30th 2020.  Following the same line as the Valencia Assembly, we have prepared everything with you in mind, where we will have time for fellowship and friendship, working as a team as we have been doing in the districts and clubs, offering in the plenary sessions room for the clubs as main protagonists, acknowledging small and large projects and goals achieved by the clubs and their members. And acknowledging your fidelity, we have created a voucher for those who participated in the Valencia Assembly, consisting of a discount regardless of the final cost established for the first section of the registration for XII Congreso Distrital in GRANADA.  Ultimately, we will review our accomplished mission “Rotary connects the world” and our DECIRHACER.

Keep yourself updated and watch the promotional video



¡!Together we´ll reach further¡!

If you want to dowload the letter in pdf: Letter Governor february 2020


Greetings charged with positive energy.
